City Departments
The City is made up of the following departments:
- Jen Legare, Treasurer/Budget Director
- Administrative Clerk
- Utility Billing Clerk
- City Hall (100 E 9th Avenue): 309-792-0571 or (309) 949-3140
(Includes Animal Control)
- Mike Swemline, Chief of Police
- Police Department (215 1st Street): 309-792-1511 or 309-792-0626
- CSO/ACO - Police Department
- 24 Hour Non-Emergency 309-755-8747 or 309-937-3911
Public Works (Includes Building, Building Inspections, Park, Sewer, Street, Waste Water Treatment Plant, Water and Zoning Departments)
- Ryan Erichsen, Public Works Director
- City Hall (100 E 9th Avenue): 309-792-0571