Accessory Building in Residential District

Ordinance Amending Title 12, Chapter 7, Section 5-A

No accessory building or buildings shall be erected in any required court, or front yard.  When erected in a side yard, the accessory building shall meet the setback requirements of the principal structure.  When erected in a rear yard, it or they shall not occupy more than thirty (30%) of a required rear yard and/or it or they shall not exceed the total ground floor footage of the primary structure except for swimming pools and shall be a distance at least three (3) feet from all lot lines adjoining lots which are in any residential district, the distance regarding the rear lot lines shall be five (5) feet from the rear lot lines, and at least six (6) feet from alley lines and from any other building or structure on the same lot.

Adopted January 10, 2011 by the Colona City Council

Ordinance Amending Title 12, Chapter 7, Section 5-A: Accessory Building in Residential District Ordinance Amending Title 12, Chapter 7, Section 5-A: Accessory Building in Residential District