Important Information You Should Know

General Offenses / City Ordinances 

Above is the link for our City Ordinances General Offenses.  


Golf Cart Ordinance


Administrative Towing of Vehicles (C.O.R.A.)


Fee Increase of C.O.R.A.  Effective May 1 2021



 New Law July 1 2019

Effective July 1 2019 all traffic citations will start at $168.00.  This includes seat-belt citations.  


New Law in 2011

Effective January 2011, there is a new "Sexting" statute, 705 ILCS 405/3-40, which states that a minor (under 18 years of age) shall not distribute or disseminate an indecent visual depiction of another minor through the use of a computer or electronic communication device.

New Laws in 2010

There are several law changes that went into effect on January 1, 2010.

Public Act 096-0131 which is amended to indicate that any person regardless of age, may not use a wireless telephone at any time while operating a motor vehicle on a roadway in a school speed zone or within a highway construction or maintenance speed zone.  The exceptions to the law pertain to emergency workers engaged in an emergency or if the telephone device is in a voice activated mode.

Public Act 096-0130 prohibits any person from composing, reading, or sending an electronic message or text message while driving.  The devices may be used if the driver is safely parked on the shoulder of the roadway or if the device is in hands free or voice activated modes.


New City Ordinances in 2010

Ordinance 0-17-10; Allows for citations for Parking Violations.

Ordinance 0-15-10; Allows for geometric progression of fines.  Fines will be doubled for repeat offenders.

Ordinance 0-08-10; For individuals under the age of 18 (minors), the parks and Parkway will be closed one half hour after sundown.  Exceptions include when accompanied by parents or when attending a special City sponsored activity.




Helping our community stay safe!!!

Henry County Crime Stoppers: 800-227-2324

Quad Cities Crime Stoppers: 309-762-9500